Friday, January 11, 2008


this specimen sat on my chair!!!! and this is what i did...

this one was a close one... this guy's dad wanted a muscle body at the beach... i refused i said it would throw the whole thing off!!! so i quickly asked him what he liked to do and he said he liked playing the guitar so i made a ukelele hero... the small guitar makes him look even bigger. and this sketch was a lot redder than it looks here, i will re-draw for the fun of it...


Matt Ryder said...

Haha, thats awsome, bet he loved you !

Danny said...

wow what is up with that kids face.
Red as anything

Elgin Subwaysurfer Bolling said...

That dude has like the worst sunburn Ive seen in a while . He looks like he escaped from red lobster.....